Book Detail

Participation Trophy by James J. Stolze

Participation Trophy

How the Rise of Progressive Socialism Leads to the Fall of the United States

by James J. Stolze

Pages: 302

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • FICTION - Political
  • POLITICAL SCIENCE - American Government - National
  • POLITICAL SCIENCE - Political Ideologies - Communism, Post-Communism & Socialism

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781631293351

Price : $18.99

Type : Dust Jacket

ISBN : 9781631293368

Price : $34.99

Throughout history, we have seen socialism destroy the economic success of countries in the past. But if socialism conquered the current American political landscape, what would the future of the United States look like?
In his latest work, Participation Trophy: How the Rise of Progressive Socialism Leads to the Fall of the US, author James J. Stolze answers this question that is on the minds of many Americans as they witness the socialistic policies at the heart of the 2020 presidential election. Through a fictionalized account of an America of the near future, Stolze uses current political events to predict what could potentially transpire in American society if progressive socialism was given authority in the United States.
With his professional experience in economics, finance, and investments, Stolze has learned that progressive socialism has the potential to completely ruin the economy of the United States. Now, in this thrilling and sobering work, Stolze shows the reality of socialism and the effects of this damaging political ideology.
Discover the truth behind democratic economic plans such as Medicare for All, the New Green Deal, and the Housing Program, which could cost $40-50 trillion over just a decade. In Stolze’s mesmerizing look at American politics, you’ll learn how the massive tax increases for these programs will not come close to paying for them, the deficit will explode, and the stock market will crash over time.
Participation Trophy will inspire you to boldly fight socialism and play your part in protecting the future of your nation with a very powerful weapon—your vote.

Author Photo

James J. Stolze is a finance professional, currently serving as the CFO of a very large religious organization. He formerly managed an $8 billion investment portfolio and developed a passion for projecting the economic outcome of progressive socialism.

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