Book Detail

The Unveiling of the Divided States of America Introduction to the Two Competing Parties: The Insane vs. The Stupid by Yooko Tengan

The Unveiling of the Divided States of America Introduction to the Two Competing Parties: The Insane vs. The Stupid

But Wait…The Crazy Courageous Party is Rising to Take Over.

by Yooko Tengan

Pages: 110

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • POLITICAL SCIENCE - Commentary & Opinion
  • RELIGION - Christian Life - Social Issues

ISBN : 9781632214546

Price : $9.50

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781632214522

Price : $16.49

I was concerned about the moral state of our country. I realized that without a moral compass, by taking out of our schools Bible reading and prayer, our country which was founded on the highest principles of morality has sunken to the deepest depravity of hell. The apathy of the religious and moral community of good Americans contributed to the take-over of the carefully designed plan by Marxists over the last one hundred years. Their plan to create racial wars, to rewrite our history, to destroy our families by demeaning men and creating a sexual revolution is almost being completed. In the nightly news, we can see the civil war they planned for us played out. We must fight back the Marxist and Socialist agenda that is challenging our American way of life which we have so long taken for granted. Only a determined audacious leader, supported by alert and united Americans can save America. We must rise up with good old fashioned American courage and patriotism.

Author Photo

Born and raised in Maui, Hawaii.
Schools attended: Baldwin High School, Maui. Emmanuel College, Franklin Springs, Georgia. East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.
Missionary work around the Pacific rim nations and Senior Pastor of Faith in Jesus Church for almost 40 years.
President of the Maui Christians Ministers Association and served on the Hawaii Teen Challenge state board.

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