Book Detail

Four Brothers by Joseph Zimmerman

Four Brothers

Equal is not always fair & fair is not always equal

by Joseph Zimmerman

Pages: 32

Dimensions: 8 x 8

  • JUVENILE FICTION - Business, Careers, Occupations
  • JUVENILE FICTION - Family - Siblings

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662894312

Price : $20.99

Work alongside George, Paul, Carl, and Rascal as they learn the trials and rewards of opening up their own bakery. Learn with Carl that equal is not always fair and fair is not always equal. Discover that if you don’t like one type of work, there may be something else out there that piques your interest. Find your own interests in life and pursue them.

Author Photo

Joseph Zimmerman is the author of several children’s books that are aimed toward helping children discover their God-given uniqueness in the world. He hopes to guide children to God, to help them understand that by following God’s unique path for them that it will lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

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